


对行为不满的学生, 决定, and/or processes at 全球赌博十大网站 are afforded formal means for registering those complaints and for their complaints to be deliberated and acted upon by college officials. 学生投诉报告程序旨在帮助确保我们的学生获得优质教育, 提供优秀的学生支持服务, 协助学院找出任何影响学生或全球网络赌博平台质素的严重或系统性问题. The principles and procedures are intended to help 全球赌博十大网站 identify patterns of conduct that raise a legitimate concern with respect to the College*s academic and non-academic offices and programs, 并遵守联邦法规规定的接收义务, 回应和跟踪学生的投诉/担忧.

全球赌博十大网站致力于公平和尊重地对待所有学生. The College*s policies that apply to students are published annually in the College 目录 and College 学生手册 and in the Student Code of Conduct, 除了从个别部门和办公室找到的其他资源之外. 在任何被认为违反学校政策的情况下, 学生可以按照这个程序提出投诉.

当学生在校园里遇到不知道如何解决的问题时, 他/她应该尽可能通过与相关人员讨论来解决问题. 以最直接和诚实的方式处理问题应该是解决问题的第一步. Many problems are resolved when a student makes an appointment with a faculty or staff member and calmly and honestly communicates their concerns.

然而如果, 问题或问题仍然存在, 学生可以在全球赌博十大网站启动正式的投诉程序. 投诉的具体类别及相关的投诉政策和程序详情如下.



Students who have a concern or grievance regarding a faculty member or academic administrator involving an evaluation of their academic work (typically a grade given for an assignment or a final term grade) or a related academic concern can participate in the formal appeal process. 这项政策印在学生手册第43页的“最终成绩申诉”部分.


以下是申诉程序, 通过大学目录和学生手册访问, 对于那些觉得自己在学院提供的服务方面没有得到公平对待的学生,他们可以得到什么帮助, 课堂外. The Executive Dean of Enrollment and Student Services advocates for student needs and provides student support and coordination of programs to help cultivate and develop student success, 健康和个人成长,同时参加全球赌博十大网站.

招生和学生服务执行主任办公室位于布莱克伍德校区的塔夫脱大厅302. 如果你有抱怨,担心或不满有关 
非学术问题,这个办公室是来帮助你的. 联系(856)374-5088在布莱克伍德或RETC校园寻求帮助. 你也可以到罗勒校区的招生柜台或卡姆登校区的CTC 207咨询中心寻求帮助.

这些不满的完整记录, 并记录他们的行为, 是由招生和学生服务执行主任办公室维护的吗.


Students are most commonly referred to the Office of the Assistant Dean for Student Development to document a complaint involving the Student Code of Conduct.

“投诉方”是指对学生违反行为准则提出指控的任何个人或实体. 当一个学生认为他/她是另一个学生的不当行为的受害者, 认为自己是受害者的学生将根据本守则享有与投诉方相同的权利, 即使学院社区的另一名成员自己提交了费用.

一旦学生投诉被提交, 如果确定学生将被指控违反政策, 学生发展助理院长办公室将协助聆讯过程. All documentation of student complaints entered through the Office of the Assistant Dean of Student Development are recorded in the on-line database system, 这些电子记录至少要保存3年的记录期限.


All incidents which would be determined bias-related or motivated will also be referred to the Office of the Assistant Dean of Student Development, 其中包括公共, 情况解决的电子记录.


Specific information is provided for students regarding options for reporting 性ual crimes in the student handbook as well as in the Office of the Assistant Dean of Student Development. This office maintains internal logs to record and track complaints pursuant to the college 性侵犯政策 and in accordance with applicable laws.


自由社会中的大学必须致力于通过理性和成员之间的公开交流来追求真理和知识. 学术界承认,在重视思想多样性的地方,有必要进行智力刺激.  Its rules must be conceived for the purpose of furthering and protecting the rights of all members of the college community in achieving this end. The boundaries of personal freedom are limited by applicable state and federal laws and institutional rules and regulations governing interpersonal behavior. 创造一个没有暴力的社区, 性侵犯, 以及非自愿的性接触, 尊重所有个人和人的尊严是至关重要的.

新泽西州认识到,暴力对受害者和周围社区的影响可能是严重和持久的. 因此, 它制定了这个权利法案来阐明政策的要求, procedures and services designed to ensure that the needs of victims are met and that the colleges and universities in 新泽西 create and maintain communities that support human dignity.


The following rights shall be accorded to victims of 性侵犯 that occur: on the campus of any public or independent institution of higher education in the state of 新泽西; where the victim or alleged perpetrator is a student at that institution; and/or when the victim is a student involved in an off-campus 性侵犯:


  • 严肃对待性侵犯指控;
  • 受到有尊严的对待;
  •  不受任何暗示
    • 受害者应对针对他们的犯罪行为负责;
    • 受害人有责任、疏忽或承担被殴打的风险;
    • 受害者必须举报罪行,以确保享有本政策所保障的任何其他权利;
    •  受害者应避免举报罪行,以避免不必要的个人宣传;
  • 不受任何来自校园人员的压力
    • 如受害人不愿举报罪行;
    • report crimes as lesser offenses than the victim perceives the crimes to be; and
    • 避免举报犯罪.


  • 通知现有的校园和社区医疗, 咨询, 为性侵犯受害者提供心理健康和学生服务, 是否向学校或民政部门正式报案;
  •  to have access to campus 咨询 under the same terms and conditions as apply to any other students in their institution seeking such 咨询; and 
  •  被告知, 并协助行使对性传播疾病进行保密或匿名检测的权利, human immunodeficiency virus and/or pregnancy and any rights that may be provided by law to compel and disclose the results of testing of 性侵犯 suspects for communicable diseases.


  •  获得与被告同样的法律援助;
  •  to be afforded the same opportunity to have others present during any campus disciplinary proceeding that is allowed the accused; and 
  • 被告知对被告的性侵犯纪律处分程序的结果.


  • to have any allegation of 性侵犯 investigated and adjudicated by the appropriate  criminal and civil authorities of the jurisdiction in which the 性侵犯 is reported.
  • 获得校园人员的充分和及时的合作和协助, 保护和保存证据, 包括在有必要保存攻击证据时进行体检.


  • to require campus personnel to take reasonable and necessary actions to prevent further unwanted contact of victims by their alleged assailants. 
  • to be notified of the options for and provided assistance in changing academic and living situations if such changes are reasonably available.


学院必须保证这项权利法案得到执行. It is the obligation of the individual campus governing board to examine resources dedicated to services required and to make appropriate requests to increase or reallocate resources where necessary to ensure implementation.

The College shall make every necessary effort to ensure that every student at that institution receives a copy of the Campus Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights. Nothing in this Campus Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights developed in accordance with the provisions shall be construed to preclude or in any way restrict the College from reporting any suspected crime or offense to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

有关校园性侵受害者权利法案的更多信息, 联络下列办事处:

紧急情况......... (856)374-5089
公共安全……. (856) 227-7200,分机. 4288

公共安全部一年365天,每天24小时开放. 威廉·G. 罗勒中心只在开放时间工作). There are direct emergency phones located at each campus that are clearly identified and can be called from any extension by dialing 7777 at Blackwood; 1393 at Camden; and 6666 at Rohrer. 

紧急…….(856) 965-1393
公共安全…….(856) 227-7200,分机. 1393

威廉G. 罗勒中心(樱桃山)一楼
紧急 .........( 856) 874 - 6057
公共安全…….(856) 874-6057


全球赌博十大网站是由中部州高等教育委员会认可的. 有关学院中部州Accreditation的详细信息可以在 在这里找到. 


对该学院的投诉可以提交给中部各州. 有关新泽西州高等教育秘书办公室投诉流程的信息可以在 在这里找到.

根据联邦法律(见34 C ..F.R.第600节.9), 全球赌博十大网站确定了学生可以向每个美国学生投诉学院的程序.S. 管理大学教育活动的州管理委员会或委员会. 适当的州董事会/委员会名单, 以及联系方式和相关网站的链接, 如下所示.
